Sunday, May 10, 2009

I hate this

Offensive Post. You can skip this if you want to. 

*flips paper open*

*reads headlines*

"Missing student found murdered"

*scans through the article*

and yea, as I expected, it most probably occured because of a relationship. I pity that girl, who had to just fall for a fcking jerk. 17 years of her life just gone down the drain with an asshole who obviously wont receive the punishment equal to her death.  

I get provoked by this kind of acts and I condemn it to the max. I fcking hate jerks who kill their loved ones just because their relationship is over. Its obviously not something one should fcking do if he/she loves her partner very much. 

True enough he/she will get so hurt over it, but that does not give him/her the right of taking his/her life just because of a break up. Break ups can end for the most lamest, horrible, or stupidest excuses, but hey that's just the way it is. 


I curse those mader faders to fcking rot in prison and when they are released, they have to fcking beg to live and being totally neglected by the society, even family. 

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