Friday, May 1, 2009

I kena Saman.

Quote of the day :


Anyway, had a pretty long day with 4 theory subjects stuffed up my schedule, pretty annoying but with just a few simple things in life, it totally changed my day.

In this case, as i was walking to my car to go AC with Carlos I noticed a piece of paper stucked on my car. I thought it was a summon, but only my car have wan so cannot be. Walked closer and.....

Thanks Yen. I never knew your definition of vandalism  until today. So I officially owe inspektor Yen one teh o ais for her effort and as well as putting a smile on my face =p.

and I thought youre so gonna draw dunno what rubbish on my car or put tree sticks ke.. LOL 


SEPET said...

WOO. I like your post.
So Yen-ish. HAHA :D

Ace said...

Lol. New style of writing ar? "Yen" =p